Welcome to Singapore MIT (Madras Institute of Technology) Alumni Association Website.
SMITAAZINE is a quarterly e-newsletter cum e-zine which contains announcements, events related to sMITaa and various chapters of MITAA, and articles from SMITAA members. You can email your articles to smitaazine@gmail.com
Mailing List
Listname: smitaa@googlegroups.com
This list is moderated to prevent from spamming, email and other information harvesting by spammers and viruses getting distributed to the list. You need to subscribe in order to send messages to the list. To subscribe, please send an email with your details (Name, Dept., T.No. or batch no. at MIT, contact email/address and phone number) to us. Upon verification, we will add your email to the list.
To unsubscribe:
Send a blank email to smitaa-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com . You will get a mail to confirm your unsubscription request to the id from which you sent the unsubscribe request. Just press "Reply" to that mail and you will be unsubscribed. If you still encounter any issues, please write to us.
For sending messages:
Send your messages to smitaa@googlegroups.com .